Friday, February 27, 2015

James Revel convict brought to Virginia in the middle of the 17th c wrote this poem

My loving Countrymen pray lend an Ear,
To this Relation which I bring you here,
My sufferings at large I will unfold,
Which tho’ 'tis strange, 'tis true as e'er was told,
. ..Then to a Tin-man I was Prentice bound,
My master and mistress good I found,
They lik'd me well, my business I did mind,
From me my parents comfort hop'd to find.
My master near unto Moorfields did dwell,
Where into wicked company I fell;
To wickedness I quickly was inclined
Thus soon is tainted any youthful mind.
I from my master then did run away,
And rov'd about the streets both night and day:
Did with a gang of rogues a thieving go,
Which filled my parents heart with grief and woe.
At length my master got me home again, . . .
But to my vile companions went again: . . .
One night was taken up one of our gang,
Who five impeach'd and three of these were hang'd.
I was one of the five was try'd and cast,
Yet transportation 1 did get at last; . . .
In vain I griev'd, in vain my parents Weep,
For I was quickly sent on board the Ship:
With melting kisses and a heavy heart,
I from my dearest parents then did part. . . .
Five of our number in our passage died,
Which were thrown into the Ocean wide:
And after sailing seven Weeks and more.
We at Virginia all were put on shore. . . .
At last to my new master's house I cam,
At the town of Wicocc[o]moco call'd by name,
Where my European clothes were took from me,
Which never after I again could see.
A canvas shirt and trowsers then they gave,
With a hop-sack frock in which I was to slave:
No shoes nor stockings had I for to wear,
Nor hat, nor cap, both head and feet were bare.
Thus dress'd into the Field I nex[t] must go,
Amongst tobacco plants all day to hoe,
At day break in the morn our work began,
And so held to the setting of the Sun.
My fellow slaves were just five Transports
[white convicts] more,
With eighteen Negroes, which is twenty four:
Besides four transport women in the house,
To wait upon his daughter and his Spouse,
We and the Negroes both alike did fare,

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